InTech TakeawaysbyYanneck ReißKotlin Coroutines: When To Use coroutineScope vs supervisorScopeLearn the correct usage of CoroutineScopes within suspend functionsJan 26Jan 26
Anton ShcherbakovSolving problem of race condition in Kotlin coroutinesLet’s imagine that we have to change variable from multiple coroutines in such code:Oct 24, 20241Oct 24, 20241
Gaëlle MinisiniAdvanced Kotlin Flow Cheat sheet (for Android Engineer)You’ve been working with Kotlin Flows for a while and you’re already familiar with basic concepts. But you might have never used Channel…Aug 5, 20245Aug 5, 20245
InProAndroidDevbyDanil PerevalovWhat is faster and in which tasks? Coroutines, RxJava, Executor?Have you ever wondered which multithreading framework is the fastest? I have occasionally wondered. One day, fate led me to investigate…Jun 19, 20249Jun 19, 20249
InCanopasbyJignesh SanghaniAndroid — 9 Useful Kotlin Flow Operators You Need to KnowOperators are at the heart of Kotlin Flow, like every reactive Frameworks.Apr 7, 20225Apr 7, 20225
InMobile App Development PublicationbyElye - A One Eye Dev By His GraceUnderstanding of Coroutine Scope Behavior for FragmentMaking the best of Coroutine Scope Behavior for the tasksJan 8, 20221Jan 8, 20221
Christophe BeylsKotlin’s Flow in ViewModels: it’s complicatedLiveData is still your friendAug 28, 202118Aug 28, 202118
InGeek CulturebyMichael FergusonAtomic Updates with MutableStateFlowConcurrency pitfalls with StateFlow and how to avoid themJul 20, 20216Jul 20, 20216
InProAndroidDevbyAleksandra KrzemieńKotlin SharedFlow or: How I learned to stop using RxJava and love the FlowCoroutines are great. Period. When they were introduced along with Kotlin 1.3 we immediately knew that they were going to be a game…May 15, 20212May 15, 20212
InProAndroidDevbyVasya DrobushkovFrom RxJava to Kotlin Flow: Stream TypesComparing Stream Types in RxJava and Kotlin FlowFeb 26, 20204Feb 26, 20204
InProAndroidDevbyMohit SarveiyaPolling with Kotlin Channels & FlowsLearn to implement a use case using Channels & Flows.Jan 21, 20202Jan 21, 20202
InITNEXTbyLukas VyletelMutableSharedFlow is kind of complicatedAbout dropped events, replay and extraBufferCapacity and other pitfalls when using MutableSharedFlow.May 28, 20216May 28, 20216
InProAndroidDevbySatya Pavan KantamaniKotlin Coroutines in AndroidCoroutines are the recommended solution for Asynchronous Programming on AndroidJun 27, 20212Jun 27, 20212